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IcebreakerAR Makes Networking And Dating Unique With Augmented Reality

IcebreakerAR brings solutions for networking, partnership and dating based on a blockchain framework. There are unique features added such as augmented reality. The apps offered...

Gastery, Offering Innovative Solutions for Restaurant, Hotel, and Catering Businesses

Today’s fast moving world does not have time to deal with the sluggish approach of restaurants, hotels, and catering services. The consumers seek fast...

ECOMI Brings A Secure Digital Ecosystem With Digital Payment Cards And Wireless Hardware Wallets

Nowadays, you would find that blockchain technology has ventured into almost every type of industry and sector. It primarily offers a set of digital...

MoviesChain, Eliminating Intermediary Movie Distributors to Provide 100% Profit to the Filmmakers

The global film distribution industries currently rely on various intermediaries to reach their audience. They pay a lot of extra money to reach the...

Swace, Designed to Enhance User-Brand Interactions

Swace is the latest blockchain powered platform designed to resolve issues faced by the brands and marketers on social networking platforms. The community-driven ecosystem...

ExoLover Presents A Global Web Platform For Sexual Interaction

ExoLover is working towards the development of its ‘EXO web platform’ that provides a collection of sophisticated sex toys and devices that exhibit better performance...

BrainerZ Introduces A Blockchain-Based Arena For Knowledge-Based Social Gaming

BrainerZ was created with a view to promoting the online gaming industry by offering various types of knowledge-based games that truly test the skills and...

Soundeon To Offer Block Chain Advantages To The Music Community

Soundeon aims to provide a solution for those in the music industry to help remove entry barriers. Many find it difficult to make a...

RecordFarm To Provide A Unique Block Chain Approach To The Music Industry

Record is an attempt to bring the blockchain technology and its benefits to the world of music. The online world of music has several disparities...

Beyond Seen Screen Provides Unique Possibilities Through Video Content

This is a unique venture that would help provide content that is embedded in video files which are often missed out from ordinary viewing...
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